Cybersecurity Solutions Central NY

About Guardicloud

At Guardicloud, we believe that small and mid-sized businesses deserve the same level of cybersecurity and IT protection as Fortune 500 companies. Based in Auburn, NY, we proudly serve Central New York and businesses nationwide with a premium, all-in approach to cybersecurity.

What Sets Us Apart

Cybersecurity today demands more than just installing software and hoping for the best. It requires a holistic, proactive strategy to reduce risks and ensure your business is secure. At Guardicloud, we resolve problems quickly and efficiently, setting your business up for long-term success. With us, you won’t be stuck calling IT support every week — if that happens, something’s wrong.

Cybersecurity Solutions Central NY

Why Guardicloud?

Originally founded by a New York City tech expert who fell in love with Upstate NY, Guardicloud exists to serve local businesses with enterprise-level service at competitive rates. Our founder, with extensive experience working for tech startups in Manhattan, saw an opportunity to help rural and underserved regions modernize their cybersecurity infrastructure. Local business owners deserve to feel like valued partners, not just another anonymous account number.

Our Vision

At Guardicloud, our vision is to provide top-tier cybersecurity solutions in Central NY and beyond. We are cloud-forward, remote-first, and continuously innovate by embracing AI and automation to deliver efficient, modern solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. With a proactive, strategic approach, we ensure your cybersecurity infrastructure is robust and future-ready.

Trusted Partnerships